This is an old project. First knitted in 2007. Simple pattern with just two basic color.
I love this pattern very much. Great look?
Pattern from Louisa Harding.

Yarn :A. Kimono Angora Pure Sh. 1 Rice (6 balls)
B. Kimono Angora Pure Sh. 8 Soot (1 balls)
Needles : Pair of 3.25 mm(us 3) knitting needles
Pair of 4 mm (us 6) knitting needles
Pair of 4.5 mm (us 7) knitting needles
Such a pretty sweater, love the soft colours and the yarn looks so soft too.
it looks sooo great on you! I've never tried projects that work with two different color yarn...for me, it's a difficult technique to knit!
Happy weekend~
I am not good in mixing yarns... but this is what I want to learn in the future. :)
to add "fitted knits' logo, you'll have to save the logo as jpg file first(add an element), than get the html address by clicking the right button of mouse. Copy the address, then adding an element on html language as follows:
(img src=html address of )(a href=html of fitted nits blog)(/a )
note:( ) should be < > instead
The yarn used in this book seems to be very worsted...I am just so undecisive about the project I want to knit...
This is such a beautiful sweater!!
You are an amazing knitter....full of lots of inspiration!
this looks right out of the pattern book. great job!
Oh, my! That looks better than the pattern photo. You are a fabulous knitter!
Great job on the cardigan! beautiful colours. Well done!
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